„Számítógépes mérésvezérlés projektmunka LabVIEW környezetben” változatai közötti eltérés

A Fizipedia wikiből
(Órai anyagok)
(Examples for independent project works)
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=Grafikus programozás és mérésvezérlés LabVIEW környezetben=
=Measurement Control Project Work in LabVIEW Environment=
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== Általános információk ==
* Kar: TTK
* Kód: BMETE11AF16
* Követelmény: 0/0/2/F/2
* Nyelv:  magyar
* Tárgyfelelős: Dr. Halbritter András
* Oktató: Magyarkuti András
* Besorolás: szabadon választható tárgy mérésvezérlés és adatgyűjtés iránt érdeklődő fizika BSc, fizkus MSc illetve PhD hallgatóknak.
* A tárgy az NI által elfogadott LabVIEW Academy kurzus, a kurzus végén az NI által szervezett CLAD vizsgát sikeresen teljesítők az NI-től bizonyítványt kapnak a LabVIEW felhasználói ismereteikről.
* Jelenléti követelmények: A laborgyakorlatok kéthetente  kerülnek megtartásra, alkalmanként 4 órán át  tartanak. A félévközi  jegy megszerzésének  szükséges feltétele  az  összes laborgyakorlat teljesítése. Igazolt hiányzás esetén maximum két  alkalommal pótlási  lehetőséget biztosítunk.
* A félév  végi osztályzat  kialakítása: CLAD vizsga
: CLAD vizsga eredménye (50%):
:: 70% alatt elégtelen (1)
:: 70% és 78% között elégséges (2)
:: 78% és 85% között közepes (3)
:: 85% és 92% között jó (4)
:: 92% felett jeles (5)
: Önálló feladatra adott jegy (50 %)
== General Information ==
== Órai anyagok ==
* Faculty: Faculty of Natural Sciences (TTK), BME
* Code: BMETE11AF39
* Requirement: 0/0/2/f/3
* Language:  English
* Responsible: András Halbritter
* Lecturer: András Magyarkuti
* Role in the curriculum: elective ("kötelezően választható") course for bachelor (BSc) students in phyics and master (MSc) students in Physics in the Nanotechnology and Materials Science specialization, and optional ("szabadon választható") for any BME students (BSc, MSc, PhD) with interest in computer controlled measurements.
* This is a certified LabView Academy course of the National Instruments company, i.e. the succesful completion of the CLAD exam of National Instruments will be awarded by the proper LabVIEW programmer certificate of NI.
* Requirements for attendance: the course is held weekly in the second half of the semester (usually starting from the 6th week) in the F3213 room (8:30-12:00). The grading requires the completion of all laboratory exercises. In case of justified absence replacement occasions are offered (maximum 2 occasions)
* Grading:
: the result of the CLAD examm (50%):
:: Grade 3: 70% - 79%
:: Grade 4: 80% és 89%
:: Grade 5: above 90%
[[file:1.het.rar|1. hét]]
:: The completion of the course requires a succesful CLAD exam with >70% result.
: Grade for the independent project work (50 %)
==Study materials==
additonal materials are available here: [https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B_6LXX6KF5hlRnZpOGNDa3FyUFU&usp=sharing LabVIEW_course].
and will be posted on the team of the course.
==Examples for independent project works==
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As an independent project work a complex measurement and/or control exercise is accomplished by each student using the inputs and outputs of an NI MyDAQ data acquisition card. The possible topics can be chosen from a list (see the examples below), or it can rely on your own proposal.
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===Temperature control===
<p align="justify">
The program implements a PI controller [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PID_controller]. The resistance of a Pt100 thermometer is used to record the temperature, and a heater resistor is used for control. The latter is driven by an analog programmable current source. The user of the program can set the the PI control parameters and the setpoint temperature.
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===Distance measurement by ultrasound===
<p align="justify">
A 44 kHz ultrasound transceiver is used as a transmitter (speaker) and receiver (microphone). A short ultrasound pulse of the speaker is reflected on an object. The time delay of the reflected sound at the microphone is used to calculate the distance of the object.
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|[[File:Napraforgo.ogv |400px|Napraforgó|left]]
<p align="justify">
A sunflower always turns towards the sun to gain more light. This is artificially implemented by light detectors and a stepper motor.
===Knocking recognition===
<p align="justify">
A program recognizes a temporal cryptogram, i.e. checks whether the rhythm of knocking mathches a predefined pattern. For proper code an light flashes on the interface.
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|[[Fájl:Equaliser.jpg|Hangszín szabályozás|400px|left]]
<p align="justify">
The program tunes the amplitude of an input mp3 line in predefined frequency intervals. </p>
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===Oscilloscope and function generator===
<p align="justify">
A mixed oscilloscope and function generator device is implemented including trigger functions.

A lap jelenlegi, 2021. szeptember 5., 07:48-kori változata

Measurement Control Project Work in LabVIEW Environment

LV Academy.png

General Information

  • Faculty: Faculty of Natural Sciences (TTK), BME
  • Code: BMETE11AF39
  • Requirement: 0/0/2/f/3
  • Language: English
  • Responsible: András Halbritter
  • Lecturer: András Magyarkuti
  • Role in the curriculum: elective ("kötelezően választható") course for bachelor (BSc) students in phyics and master (MSc) students in Physics in the Nanotechnology and Materials Science specialization, and optional ("szabadon választható") for any BME students (BSc, MSc, PhD) with interest in computer controlled measurements.
  • This is a certified LabView Academy course of the National Instruments company, i.e. the succesful completion of the CLAD exam of National Instruments will be awarded by the proper LabVIEW programmer certificate of NI.
  • Requirements for attendance: the course is held weekly in the second half of the semester (usually starting from the 6th week) in the F3213 room (8:30-12:00). The grading requires the completion of all laboratory exercises. In case of justified absence replacement occasions are offered (maximum 2 occasions)
  • Grading:
the result of the CLAD examm (50%):
Grade 3: 70% - 79%
Grade 4: 80% és 89%
Grade 5: above 90%
The completion of the course requires a succesful CLAD exam with >70% result.
Grade for the independent project work (50 %)

Study materials

additonal materials are available here: LabVIEW_course. and will be posted on the team of the course.

Examples for independent project works

As an independent project work a complex measurement and/or control exercise is accomplished by each student using the inputs and outputs of an NI MyDAQ data acquisition card. The possible topics can be chosen from a list (see the examples below), or it can rely on your own proposal.

Temperature control


The program implements a PI controller [1]. The resistance of a Pt100 thermometer is used to record the temperature, and a heater resistor is used for control. The latter is driven by an analog programmable current source. The user of the program can set the the PI control parameters and the setpoint temperature.

Distance measurement by ultrasound


A 44 kHz ultrasound transceiver is used as a transmitter (speaker) and receiver (microphone). A short ultrasound pulse of the speaker is reflected on an object. The time delay of the reflected sound at the microphone is used to calculate the distance of the object.



A sunflower always turns towards the sun to gain more light. This is artificially implemented by light detectors and a stepper motor.

Knocking recognition


A program recognizes a temporal cryptogram, i.e. checks whether the rhythm of knocking mathches a predefined pattern. For proper code an light flashes on the interface.


Hangszín szabályozás

The program tunes the amplitude of an input mp3 line in predefined frequency intervals.

Oscilloscope and function generator


A mixed oscilloscope and function generator device is implemented including trigger functions.