„Applied Solid State Physics” változatai közötti eltérés

A Fizipedia wikiből
19. sor: 19. sor:
'''2 Semiconductor devices:''' band structure engineering, p-n junction and the transistor.  
'''2 Semiconductor devices:''' band structure engineering, p-n junction and the transistor.  
*Steven H. Simon - The Oxford Solid State Basics, Chapter 18
*Steven H. Simon - The Oxford Solid State Basics, Chapter 18
'''3 Electron transport in nanowires:''' Characteristic length-scales, conductance of a quantum wire, Landauer formula, conductance quantization
*[[Electron transport in nanowires: Landauer formula, conductance quantization]] (e-learning material)
'''4 Thermoelectric phenomena in nanowires:''' Seebeck and Peltier effect, heat conduction and Wiedemann-Franz law
*[[Thermoelectric phenomena]] (e-learning material)
'''4 Magnetism:'''  
'''4 Magnetism:'''  
*Steven H. Simon - The Oxford Solid State Basics, Chapter 20-22
*Steven H. Simon - The Oxford Solid State Basics, Chapter 20-22
'''5 Superconductivity:'''  
'''5 Superconductivity: macroscopic wave function and the Meissner effect'''  
*[http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/III_21.html The Feynman lectures on Physics: ''The Schrödinger Equation in a Classical Context: A Seminar on Superconductivity'']
*[http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/III_21.html The Feynman lectures on Physics: ''The Schrödinger Equation in a Classical Context: A Seminar on Superconductivity'']

A lap 2019. május 21., 20:29-kori változata

General data

  • Course name: Applied Solid State Physics
  • Course code: BMETE11AF11;
  • Requirements: 2/0/0/V/2;
  • Semester: Fall;
  • Language: English;
  • Responsible teacher: Szabolcs Csonka, associate professor
  • Lecturer: Máté Vigh, assistant professor
  • Department: Department of Physics
  • Programme: BSc Physics (mandatory) and MSc Physics (recommended for students without preliminary studies in solid state physics)
  • Exam: Written/Oral exam at the end of semester


1 Semiconductor physics: band structure, electrons and holes, impurity doping, statistical mechanics of semiconductors.

  • Steven H. Simon - The Oxford Solid State Basics, Chapter 17

2 Semiconductor devices: band structure engineering, p-n junction and the transistor.

  • Steven H. Simon - The Oxford Solid State Basics, Chapter 18

3 Electron transport in nanowires: Characteristic length-scales, conductance of a quantum wire, Landauer formula, conductance quantization

4 Thermoelectric phenomena in nanowires: Seebeck and Peltier effect, heat conduction and Wiedemann-Franz law

4 Magnetism:

  • Steven H. Simon - The Oxford Solid State Basics, Chapter 20-22

5 Superconductivity: macroscopic wave function and the Meissner effect


Steven H. Simon: The Oxford Solid State Basics

N. W. Ashcroft and N. D. Mermin: Solid State Physics

C. Kittel: Introduction to Solid State Physics