„Mágneses erővonalak szemléltetése vasporral” változatai közötti eltérés

A Fizipedia wikiből
9. sor: 9. sor:
Ugyanezt látjuk a toroidot merőlegesen metsző síklapon.
Ugyanezt látjuk a toroidot merőlegesen metsző síklapon.
== Magnetic field lines ==
== Magnetic field lines shown in iron shavings ==
The magnetic lines of force of a straight conductor can be exhibited on a plexi plate perpendicular to the conductor if after switching on the current grated iron powder is poured on the plexi sheet. In the selected plane the lines of forces will be outlined if there is a sufficient amount of fine grated iron available. If the iron powder is fine enough it behaves as a multitude of compasses which position themselves along the magnetic lines of forces. The magnetic field of a circular conductor in the plane perpendicular to its plane and crossing it in the center can be similarly exhibited. The lines of forces of a solenoid with just a few threads will immediately appear without knocking the plexi sheet. The same can be seen in the plane cutting perpendicularly to the toroid.
The magnetic field lines of a straight conductor can be exhibited on a plexiglass plate perpendicular to the conductor if, after switching on the current, grated iron powder is poured on the plexiglass sheet. In the observed plane, the field lines will be outlined if there is a sufficient amount of fine grated iron available. If the iron powder is fine enough, it behaves as a multitude of compasses which position themselves along the magnetic field lines. The magnetic field of a circular conductor in the plane perpendicular to its plane and crossing it in the center can be similarly exhibited. The field lines of a solenoid with just a few threads will immediately appear without disturbing the plexiglass sheet. The same can be seen in the plane cutting perpendicularly to the toroid.

A lap jelenlegi, 2013. július 1., 12:48-kori változata


Az elhangzó szöveg

Egyenes vezető mágneses terének erővonalai a vezetőre merőleges sima plexilapon kirajzolódnak, ha az áram bekapcsolása után folyamatos kocogtatás közben vasreszeléket szórunk a plexilapra. Ugyanis egy vizsgált síkban a mágneses indukcióvonalak kirajzolódnak, ha a síkon elegendő mennyiségű, könnyen elmozdulni képes finom vasreszelék van. Elegendően finom vasreszelék mágneses térben iránytűk sokaságaként viselkedik, és igyekszik az erővonalak mentén elhelyezkedni. Ugyanígy szemléltethető egy körvezető mágneses tere a síkjára a középponton átmenő merőleges síkban. A néhány menetes szolenoid erővonalai a plexilap kocogtatása nélkül azonnal megjelennek. Ugyanezt látjuk a toroidot merőlegesen metsző síklapon.

Magnetic field lines shown in iron shavings

The magnetic field lines of a straight conductor can be exhibited on a plexiglass plate perpendicular to the conductor if, after switching on the current, grated iron powder is poured on the plexiglass sheet. In the observed plane, the field lines will be outlined if there is a sufficient amount of fine grated iron available. If the iron powder is fine enough, it behaves as a multitude of compasses which position themselves along the magnetic field lines. The magnetic field of a circular conductor in the plane perpendicular to its plane and crossing it in the center can be similarly exhibited. The field lines of a solenoid with just a few threads will immediately appear without disturbing the plexiglass sheet. The same can be seen in the plane cutting perpendicularly to the toroid.