„Számítógépes mérésvezérlés” változatai közötti eltérés

A Fizipedia wikiből
(Általános információk)
(egy szerkesztő 24 közbeeső változata nincs mutatva)
31. sor: 31. sor:
* Requirements: 0/0/2/F/3
* Requirements: 0/0/2/F/3
* Language:  English
* Language:  English
* Responsible lecturer: Dr. Halbritter András
* Responsible lecturer: Dr. András Halbritter
* Instructor: Gergő Fülöp  
* Instructor: Gergő Fülöp
*Requirements to pass:
*Requirements to pass:
** Completion of programming exercises (first 2 classes).
** Completion of programming exercises (first 2 classes).
** Passing the written short tests and completion of all the measurement control exercises. In case of justified absence, you have the possibility to retake 2 experiments.
** Passing the written short tests and completion of all the measurement control exercises. In case of justified absence, you have the possibility to retake 2 experiments.
** Handing in reports of the exercises within the deadline.
** Handing in reports of the exercises within the deadline.
** Each test and report must have at least a pass (2) grade.
* Grading:
* Grading:
** Short tests before each measurement control exercise (max. 20 pts each)
** Short tests before each measurement control exercise (max. 20 pts each)
** Reports (max. 100 pts each)
** Reports (max. 100 pts each)
** Each test and report must have at least a pass (2) grade.
** Total: 480 pts, the final grade is determined as per the table below,
** Total: 480 pts, the final grade is determined as per the table below,
:: < 40%: fail (1)
:: < 40%: fail (1)
73. sor: 73. sor:
The participants gain experience in computer controlled measurements and in the programming of scientific instruments and data acquisition system. To this end the following topics are covered: communication with the instruments via serial, GPIB, and USB ports. Programming of data acqusitin cards. Programming of complex measurement control platforms, plotting and saving the data, programming of timelines, in situ data analysis. The course consists of 4 hour long computer laboratory exercises every second week. In the first part of the semester fundamental programming skills are obtained through simple example programs. In the second part the participants individually program complex measurement control and data analysis platforms, like nonlinear curve fitting by Monte Carlo method, full computer control of a digital multimeter, digital oscilloscope program using a data acquisition card.
The participants gain experience in computer controlled measurements and in the programming of scientific instruments and data acquisition system. To this end the following topics are covered: communication with the instruments via serial, GPIB, and USB ports. Programming of data acquisition cards. Programming of complex measurement control platforms, plotting and saving the data, programming of timelines, in-situ data analysis. The course consists of 4 hour-long computer laboratory exercises every second week. In the first part of the semester fundamental programming skills are obtained through simple example programs. In the second part the participants individually program complex measurement control and data analysis platforms, like nonlinear curve fitting by Monte Carlo method, full computer control of a digital multimeter, digital oscilloscope program using a data acquisition card.
83. sor: 83. sor:
== Időrend ==
== Schedule ==
A 2017/2018 tavaszi félévben:
Location: building F, staircase III, 2nd floor, room no. 13. (F3213)
2023/2024 Spring semester
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Téma
! Topic
! Időpont
! Date
| Programozás 1.
| Programming 1
| 2019.02.04
| 2023-02-04
| Programozás 2.
| Programming 2
| 2019.02.11.
| 2023-03-11
| Önálló mérés 1. (ZH+JK)
| Measurement 1 (test+report)
| 2019.02.25.
| 2023-03-18
| Önálló mérés 2. (ZH+JK)
| Measurement 2 (test+report)
| 2019.03.04.
| 2023-04-08
| Önálló mérés 3. (ZH+JK)
| Measurement 3 (test+report)
| 2019.03.25.
| 2023-04-22
| Önálló mérés 4. (ZH+JK)
| Measurement 4 (test+report)
| 2019.04.01.
| 2023-04-29
| Pótlás 1.
| Retake 1
| 2019.04.29.
| 2023-05-06
| Pótlás 2.
| Retake 2
| 2019.05.06.
| Arranged individually
Retakes are organized individually.
{| class="wikitable"
!rowspan="2"|Neptun code
! 2024-03-18
! 2024-04-08
! 2024-04-22
! 2024-04-29
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
152. sor: 176. sor:
The report and the source code of the measurement control program must be submitted until Sunday midnight, on the week of the measurement, as an Assignment in MS Teams. The Visual Studio project directory should be zipped and attached to the MS Teams Assignment, along with the report in PDF format. The language of the report is English or Hungarian.
Pótlási lehetőség: egyedi egyeztetés alapján.
A jegyzőkönyvek beadási határideje a mérést követő vasárnap 24 óra. Beküldés elektronikusan a mérésvezetőnek a <email>amagyarkuti kukac gmail.com</email> (MyDAQ1 & MyDAQ2) valamint <email>zoltan_kovacskrausz kukac yahoo.com</email> (DMM & MonteCarlo) címre.
=== Önálló mérések beosztása ===
=== Önálló mérések beosztása ===
234. sor: 256. sor:
== Installing Visual Studio ==
== Installing Visual Studio ==
321. sor: 344. sor:
== Tematika ==
== Topics ==
=== Programozás 1. ===
=== Work safety ===
Visual Studio 2005 használata, alapvető .NET objektumok kezelése.
[[Munkav%C3%A9delem | Work safety ]]
=== Programming ===
[[Mérési adatgyűjtés és feldolgozás példák 1|"Hello World!" program]]
* '''Day 1''': basics of C# programming in Visual Studio ([[Media:Programming1_CCM.pdf|Slides]])
** Building a GUI, handling events
** Basic file I/O
* '''Day 2''': more C# programming ([[Media:Programming2_CCM.pdf|Slides]])
** Real-time plotting ([[Media:Suruasd.txt|input file with (x,y) data pairs (Suruasd.txt)]])
** Communication with instruments over the serial port
** Using the NI myDAQ
* Examples
** [[Mérési adatgyűjtés és feldolgozás példák 1|"Hello World!" program]]
<!-- ** [[Mérési_adatgyűjtés_és_feldolgozás_példák_2|Displaying random numbers]]-->
** [[Mérési_adatgyűjtés_és_feldolgozás_példák_3|Measurement of elapsed time]]
** [[DAQMX_kártya_példaprogram | DAQmx card example]]
**[[Függvénygenerátor program myDAQ-al | Function generator with myDAQ]]
**[[Oszcilloszkóp program myDAQ-al | Oscilloscope with myDAQ]]
[[Media:XY_data.txt| XY data]]
* Resources
** [http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/370473J-01/ NI-DAQmx .NET Class Library Help]
<!-- [[Media:03v05.pdf| 3. diasor]] -->
=== Programozás 2. ===
=== Measurements ===
There are 4 measurements for the semester:
[[Media:Suruasd.txt| Input file with (x,y) data pairs (Suruasd.txt)]]
* [[Digitális multiméter vezérlése mérésleírás|Controlling a digital multimeter]] (DMM)
[[Mérési_adatgyűjtés_és_feldolgozás_példák_2|Véletlenszámok grafikus megjelenítése]]
* [[Adatgyűjtő kártya programozása mérésleírás|Using a data acquisition card]] (myDAQ1)
[[Mérési_adatgyűjtés_és_feldolgozás_példák_3|Eltelt idő mérése]]
* [[Kis intenzitású jelek mérése|Measurement of small-intensity signals]] (myDAQ2)
* [[Függvényillesztés Monte Carlo módszerrel mérésleírás|Curve fitting with a Monte Carlo method]] (Monte Carlo)
[[Media:03v05.pdf| 3. diasor]]
<!-- *  <s> [[Adatgyűjtőkártya Infraszenzorral | Infraszenzor és léptetőmotor mérésleírás]] </s> (Retired)
* <s>[[USB mérőműszerek használata]]</s> (Retired)
* [[USB hőmérő mérésleírás]] és [[USB hőmérő példaprogram | példaprogram]] -->
=== Önálló mérések ===
Students have to take a short written test before each measurement.
Az önálló mérések során a hallgatók négy különböző összetett feladatot oldanak meg:
<!--== Eredmények ==
* [[Digitális multiméter vezérlése mérésleírás]] (DMM)
Mérőpár valamint neptun kód szerint a következő linken található: [http://ssplab.phy.bme.hu:5055/drive/oo/r/472970368791879750 Eredmények2019].
* [[Adatgyűjtő kártya programozása mérésleírás]] (myDAQ1)
* [[Kis intenzitású jelek mérése]] (myDAQ2)
* [[Függvényillesztés Monte Carlo módszerrel mérésleírás]] (Monte Carlo)
*  <s> [[Adatgyűjtőkártya Infraszenzorral | Infraszenzor és léptetőmotor mérésleírás]] </s> (Retired)
* <s>[[USB mérőműszerek használata]]</s> (Retired) <!-- * [[USB hőmérő mérésleírás]] és [[USB hőmérő példaprogram | példaprogram]] -->
Az óra elején egy rövid írásbeli számonkéréssel ellenőrizzük a hallgatók felkészültségét. A mérőpárokat a fenti [[#Önálló mérések beosztása | táblázat]] szerint osztjuk be.
A jegyzőkönyv és forráskód beküldési határideje a mérést követő vasárnap 24 óra. A forráskódot a következő módon célszerű elküldeni: csomagoljuk be pl. zip-be az egész projekt könyvtárat, majd a fájl kiterjesztését változtassuk meg .zip-ről pl. .zzz-re. Erre azért van szükség, mert sok email-szolgáltató szűri a csatolmányok tartalmát, és ha a .zip fájl futtatható fájlt tartalmaz (.exe kiterjesztéssel), akkor a .zip fájlt nem engedi csatolni.
== Eredmények ==
Mérőpár valamint neptun kód szerint a következő linken található: [http://ssplab.phy.bme.hu:5055/drive/oo/r/472970368791879750 Eredmények2019].
=== A csoport ===
=== A csoport ===
480. sor: 503. sor:
=== Megtekintési lehetőség ===
=== Megtekintési lehetőség ===
A laborgyakorlatok idején és megbeszélt időpontokban.
A laborgyakorlatok idején és megbeszélt időpontokban.
==Syllabus in English==
==Syllabus in English==

A lap jelenlegi, 2024. március 18., 12:44-kori változata


Course data

  • Course name: Computer Controlled Measurements
  • Neptun code: BMETE11AF38 (old code: BMETE11AF10)
  • Requirements: 0/0/2/F/3
  • Language: English
  • Responsible lecturer: Dr. András Halbritter
  • Instructor: Gergő Fülöp
  • Requirements to pass:
    • Completion of programming exercises (first 2 classes).
    • Passing the written short tests and completion of all the measurement control exercises. In case of justified absence, you have the possibility to retake 2 experiments.
    • Handing in reports of the exercises within the deadline.
    • Each test and report must have at least a pass (2) grade.
  • Grading:
    • Short tests before each measurement control exercise (max. 20 pts each)
    • Reports (max. 100 pts each)
    • Total: 480 pts, the final grade is determined as per the table below,
< 40%: fail (1)
40% - 55%: pass (2)
55% - 70%: satisfactory (3)
70% - 85%: good (4)
85% < : excellent (5)
  • In case a report, measurement control program or written test is not the result of independent work, it will automatically be evaluated to be the maximum score multiplied by negative one, regardless of the degree of copying.


The participants gain experience in computer controlled measurements and in the programming of scientific instruments and data acquisition system. To this end the following topics are covered: communication with the instruments via serial, GPIB, and USB ports. Programming of data acquisition cards. Programming of complex measurement control platforms, plotting and saving the data, programming of timelines, in-situ data analysis. The course consists of 4 hour-long computer laboratory exercises every second week. In the first part of the semester fundamental programming skills are obtained through simple example programs. In the second part the participants individually program complex measurement control and data analysis platforms, like nonlinear curve fitting by Monte Carlo method, full computer control of a digital multimeter, digital oscilloscope program using a data acquisition card.


Location: building F, staircase III, 2nd floor, room no. 13. (F3213)

2023/2024 Spring semester

Topic Date
Programming 1 2023-02-04
Programming 2 2023-03-11
Measurement 1 (test+report) 2023-03-18
Measurement 2 (test+report) 2023-04-08
Measurement 3 (test+report) 2023-04-22
Measurement 4 (test+report) 2023-04-29
Retake 1 2023-05-06
Retake 2 Arranged individually

Retakes are organized individually.

Pair Neptun code Date
2024-03-18 2024-04-08 2024-04-22 2024-04-29
- Everyone myDAQ1 myDAQ2 DMM MonteCarlo

The report and the source code of the measurement control program must be submitted until Sunday midnight, on the week of the measurement, as an Assignment in MS Teams. The Visual Studio project directory should be zipped and attached to the MS Teams Assignment, along with the report in PDF format. The language of the report is English or Hungarian.

Installing Visual Studio

We use Visual Studio 2017 in the lab computers. For working on your own PC, download and install the Community edition of Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 from the link below:


You should install Visual Studio with .NET workload.

Installing NI DAQmx

In case you would like to use your own PC for working with the myDAQ card, you also need to install the NI-DAQmx library. Download and install it from here: https://www.ni.com/hu-hu/support/downloads/drivers/download.ni-daqmx.html#348669

The installer has a lot of options. You will need NI MAX (Measurement & Automation Explorer), and .NET 4.5 support.


Work safety

Work safety



There are 4 measurements for the semester:

Students have to take a short written test before each measurement.