Physics Laboratory for Master Students in Physics
A Fizipedia wikiből
A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Halbritt (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2018. szeptember 20., 10:49-kor történt szerkesztése után volt.
- Schedule: 8:30-12:00 on every Monday, starting from 01.10.2018
- Evaluation: the evaluation is based on the laboratory work, and the laboratory report that has to be submitted within one week after the laboratory exercise.
- Most of the laboratory exercises will take place in the undergraduate physics laboratory, which is just opposite to the top of the staircase on the 2nd floor of the F III. building. Some exercises are done in research laboratories, these will be annouced.
Laboratory exercises (2018)
- Introductory remarks (8:30-), visit to the training reactor of the university (10:00-12:00), date: 01.10.2018, coordinator: Tosson Elalaily,
- Experiments with Polarized Light, date: 08.10.2018, coordinator: Tosson Elalaily,
- Fundamentals of High Frequency Wave Propagation, date: 15.10.2018, coordinator: Tosson Elalaily,
- Spectrum analysis of high frequency signals 1, date: 29.10.2018, coordinator: Tosson Elalaily,
- Superconductivity, date: 05.11.2018, coordinator: Tosson Elalaily,
- Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Using HPGE Detectors, date: 12.11.2018 (meeting at 8:30 at the entrance of the training reactor), coordinator: Máté Szieberth,
- Holography, date: 19.11.2018 (meeting at 8:30 at the entrance of the undergraduate student laboratory, FIII building 2nd. floor, , coordinator: Nándor Bokor,
- Diffraction and coherent optical signal processing, date: 26.11.2018, coordinator: Tamás Sarkadi,
- Investigation of an acoustooptic tunable filter, date: 03.12.2018, coordinator: Attila Barócsi,
Link to online test